Samstag, 30. Januar 2010

Bericht aus Haiti vom 23. Jänner 2010

Hier die englische Übersetzung vom Bericht VI dominiko-haitianischer Hilfsorganisationen. (Übersetzung: Barbara Kühhas, Care Österreich).
Der spanische Originaltext findet sich unter

23.01.2010 BOLETIN VI del equipo dominiquo haitiano

The Dominican-Haitian network “Jaques Viau”, The Movement of dominican-Haitian Women (MUDHA) and the social-cultural movement of haitian workers (MOSCTHA) have gone in a convoy of 12 cars with water, food, medicines, clothes and medical staff (25 doctors and 12 nurses) to Haiti; where 4 nurses from Haiti also joined us.

Throughout three days we have given medical attention, have treated more than 1000 persons. We have followed up on wound healing, are treating a more tan 350 persons who are connected with “suereo”, and other medical problems. We are also working with a psychologist who is part of the delegation.

Flüchtlinge in den Camps werden registriert
In this moment we are taking a census of the refugee’s camps which are overpopulated and we speak with the authorities, who are working out of their offices in open space, in order to organize secure camps and to decongest the existing ones.

The camps are a big challenge, they don´t have sanitation services – the people need to defecate in the same areas. There is a lot of garbage, almost all the people are under bad blankets, because there are not enough tents for the number of people, the people try to stay at the boarders as the trembling is still there and the people are very frightened. There are no recreation spaces for children and youth.

Tote bei Nachbeben
There are still persons dying due to the ongoing tremblings, because the people are looking for places in the affected houses, which are almost collapsing and with the new trembling they collapse. There are still some rescue actions until yesterday, where still some persons alive could be found.

The outbreak of diseases has started - we find a lot of gripe, Diarrhea, vaginale infections at women and girls, eye-infections like Conjunctivitis and also dehydration, stomach problems – the need for wáter and food is still one of the biggest problems.

Psychosoziale Betreuung
MUDHA; MOSCTHA and the network Jaques Viau, do have plans to make a work on longer term scale in the psychosocial field and community organization; in this sense we have trained our Young people of our institutions; to work in shifts for 15 days terms in Haiti; the Young people are:
- Curing wounds and take care of the wounded people
- Gather necessary data
- Organization of refugee camps
- Work with the children and Young people in recreational activities, sing in spanish and creol, play cards, domino and basket ball;

Waisenhaus mit 300 Kindern
In Leogane we are taking care of an Orphan House with more than 300 children; where a group of Young people is taking care. For these children we brought materials to paint, games, etc. – the Young people taking care are organizing games for the kids.

With the women we are staring up activities where they can produce something and also capacity building – which is not only aid and distraction in the face of the catastrophe which they have survived; but which can also help them to generate some economic income.

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